
Sunday, March 25, 2012

God's Moving

Hey Everyone. I hope this post find you all doing well. I personally am doing outstanding. I have found so many things that I feel like God wants to do in my life but I have to take them one step at a time. I wanted to take this blog and update all those around me about what he is doing specifically in our family and my life. For starters, this year has been amazing. I have been able to get so many things lined up that I wanted to and really prayed about at the end of the year last year. One of the coolest things is I have this overwhelming want to adopt all the orphans in this world. Every last one of them. Special needs children specifically. Did you know that special needs kids get INSTITUTIONALIZED at like age 4 or 5 and they pretty much are given up on and die. I have seen pictures of children who are 9 years old and weigh 10 pounds! WHAT? Seriously ten pounds. Gods angels had their hands in that one because I believe she found a family - but should have died from malnutrition. I have my eyes opened to what goes on in other countries just because a child is "Special." And not only did I find that other countries treat these children like they don't belong, but our own country apparently does to, when a family sues for not finding out about there kid having Down Syndrome and wins this insane amount of money because had they known they would have taken that child's life through abortion. I pray that the child involved in this finds Jesus's arms as they spread across the cross for that child as the start of an embracing hug. That the child involved would know that even when the family didn't care - Jesus Did! Not only was I bothered by this story in our country but just around the corner from us I find out about a woman who had a baby and then took her child and dropped her off behind a church to die. Just left the baby there and took off. PEOPLE, where is your value for life. Where is your love for these children. We never know someone's story so it's not our place to judge. Then I see a story about a family who makes there child exercise for so long that she finally collapses and dies. REALLY? I just don't understand how you can look into your child's eyes and say I don't want you so I will just kill you or give you away. Abortion is killing plain and simple. The woman who dropped that child off was being hunted for attempted manslaughter - HMMM - i just don't understand the difference between that and her walking into an abortion clinic! Adoption is strong on my families heart right now and will be for the rest of our life. So many kids needs are not being met simply because they are SPECIAL - no quotation marks needed. They aren't special needs they have special gifts. God has given them something for us to mold and hold! Now that the tangent is over I have some happy news. I have also been praying that God would open a door for me to go on a missions trip this year. Man, i never understood what he would have planned for me this year. I feel he has called me to go on a mission with Dig Deep Give Well to AFRICA. REALLY? I haven't really been anywhere much less out of country. So there are a lot of things that I have to get straight. I have to get a passport, shots, items needed for the trip, and I have to raise 3500 for the trip alone not including money for my family to take care of them while I am gone. Now, am I asking for donations from you guys? Yes...but at the same time if you can't help in donations...pray and pray HARD. I will be going to Tanzania and I can't wait. The cool part in this is how it all came to be. I wasn't even thinking he was going to move this fast. I had a biology test a couple saturdays ago and my wife wanted to go to a consignment sale in Pensacola. I didn't think I was even going to get back in time to go, but I did - and it was a God thing. One of the ladies who runs the consignment sale has the ministry - Dig Deep Give Well - and I spent like five dollars at the sale. As we were leaving we actually got to talk to her for a minute - not expected - and she tells me that she has a position available possibly and she needs it to be someone who is good with teenagers! I love those teenage people - LOL. But I was so excited because this is where my heart is. Working with youth! I was overwhelmed and started crying - told her I was a weeper - LOL. We laughed and the rest is history. I hope that if you have any questions about this that you would PLEASE ask me - My favorite part is this. Remember me telling you my heart is with the orphans right now. We are going to be visiting orphans while we are there. Can't wait to show them the love of Christ. To share what he has done for me to these children. To just hug and hold a couple of them. We are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus or did some of us forget? I haven't and I am ready to go. I want to not only be the hands and feet but the whole body! I have added a donation button to the top of this blog. If you feel that God has called you to help me get there - then please donate - if not - then please prayers are just as welcomed. I am SOOO excited and I hope you will be with me as I take these next few steps that God has placed in front of me. And as for my family, pray that God will move mountains in the means of allowing us to at least bring one child home through adoption before the end of the year! Be Blessed and remember Faith without works is DEAD!

Take a second and listen to JJ Hellers song in my playlist - It can bring a tear to your eye!

1 comment:

The Mr. said...

Great post.
Good to hear what happens in Africa!