
Monday, November 28, 2011

Judgement - Not only affects you


So as you sit in your chair and watch this video, I want you to think about what he is saying. We go through our life and we tend to look at the outward appearance of those around us. We don't tend to look at WHO we are talking to or who we are passing by. We just see a biker who has to be someone of the world who can't be loved or love the one who created him. Nope, no way! Instead of seeing a man who is UNCONDITIONALLY loved by the SAME Jesus that loves you, we see a man covered in tattoos and ragged clothes and biker jackets and pants and has a motorcycle. We don't see what Jesus sees. Let's move to someone else. Maybe this would make you more comfortable as he says. Someone who is standing by you in the suit and you are the biker. The man in the suit doesn't know Jesus but needs to know, but you the biker, are afraid to approach him cause what would you have to offer that man. How can you bring the Gospel of Jesus to this man. Only through Christ can the doors be open. While we sit back in our chairs and pass small judgement on those around us we miss the big picture that God is showing us. Maybe you are the parents that sit in the back of the church and wait for the GIRL to come in that you just KNOW is promiscuous and has no self esteem. But instead of actually taking the time to invest in this girl, you turn the cheek and walk away, totally damaging the view that this Girl had of the church, as being accepting, as soon as she walks in the door. Let's flip the script a little and maybe its a homeless man just looking for a bite to eat, but he just shouldn't be sitting on the doorsteps of your church. NO WAY NO HOW! Get him off the steps you say to the elders instead of inviting him in and showing him true love. There are many scripture that talk about how we shouldn't Judge one another. I found one today in the Book of James that really speaks what I would like you to think about. James 4:11 say " Do not speak evil against one another, brothers. The one who speaks evil against a brother or judges his brother, speaks evil against the law and judges the law..." In verse 12 James goes on to say "There is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and destroy. But WHO are YOU to judge YOUR neighbor." Wow! Pretty powerful words if you ask me. God doesn't ask us to be the judge of those around us. That's up to him. He is going to love those people that you judge no matter if you love them or not. But you can help Jesus in spreading that love by being the hands and feet and showing them by your works how much you do love them. Here is another scripture for you to think about. James also says in chapter 3 verse 2 - "For we all stumble in many ways. If anyone does not stumble in what he says, HE is a PERFECT man, able also to bridle his whole body." Let's ponder this thought for one minute. We all know that we are not perfect because there was only one perfect person to walk this earth and that was Christ himself. So who are we to pass judgement on someone that we don't even know. Or better yet someone we do know because "Hey, we should be allowed to because they are our friend, and if I don't judge them then who will." God, thats who. Give that part of your life to God and allow him to do great works in your life. God wants you to do more than to just LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR! He wants you to be there for your neighbor, be the strength for your neighbor. James also says to "Confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed..." You have to lift each other up, be each other's strength and heal each other. God wants us to do this and He says so in his word. If you feel like being a judgemental person is a strong part of your life, just say a simple prayer with me. "Father, I know that I can be critical and judging to those around me. I ask you to forgive me and to be the words that come out of my mouth and help me to curb my judgemental glances. Help me to love my neighbor no matter what they look like." Remember this prayer and the next time you see that Biker make sure to say hi, because he just might be someone standing beside you when you face God on Judgement Day. Be blessed! Jesus loves you and so do I!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Just a little lesson about THANKSGIVING.

Well today is Thanksgiving, and we need to really evaluate our lives and give Thanks. For me and family, we went to help feed the senior citizens at the senior center in Foley AL, today. We had a blast as there were some amazing people there. I remember there was one lady who absolutely loved my son. She came in and me, him, and my daughter were the door greeters. My daughter would fire off as they were basically getting out of their car...HAPPY THANKGIVING...I was just a little overwhelmed. So my wife actually came and took over that But, I got to do what I love and walked the room and talked to everyone that was there. When I saw the lady who loved my son, she asked me "Where is that cute little boy of yours?" I said he was outside with his mother. She then said "Make sure to bring him to see me when he comes back in. When I did here face just lit up like the Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center in New York. It was so cool and just to see the joy on her face. There was also a man there who loved football and had to turn the TV on to the PACKERS game because that was his team. It was really cool because he would come over and watch for a minute and we would talk and then he would go back to his conversation with the people at his table. This was too funny. My favorite part of the day was actually when I found out there was a man there who LOVED to play pool. I would say he was around 80...just a guess and his name was Chester. I found this out when I first got there so I made it a point to find him and play some pool with him. I have a really fond memory of my own Grandfather that I will never forget. I was younger (about 18) and loved to just play pool. I was actually in the learning stages, but thought I could beat anybody. I have a competitive side that sometimes comes out and gets the best of me...ha-ha. I wanted to hang out with my Grandfather when he came down one year, just me and him. We ended up going to the local bowling alley and played some pool. Now, I knew my Grandpa had a pool table in the bottom of his house in Michigan, but I never thought he played and plus I thought he was OLD. Man was I way off base. I was very confident and kept telling him, I am going to take it easy on you, he would smile. I would make a comment that you’re not going to beat me. He would just smile again. I think I broke the first rack and that was it. He ran the table every game we played. For those who don't know about pool, this is when you clear the table of all your balls and sink the eight ball, the first time you get a shot. He made some trick shots as well and I just couldn't believe that this old man just did this to me. Now, I was upset then but I realized something a few years back. God gave me that time with my Grandpa because that next year I had to make a drive to Michigan with my dad because he was in the hospital. He didn't make it out of the hospital and that was the last time I got to just hang out with my Grandpa. What happened after this, well I blamed God. I didn't want anything to do with God. He took my Grandpa; he didn't let me spend a lot of time with him. All I wanted to do was spend time with him. How dare he take this man from my life? I was angry at God. I told you this story to really help you understand where I was. Shortly after this event in my life, I turned to drugs and became basically an alcoholic. I started not caring about my life. I was really lost. I didn't really care what happened to me. I popped pills, had times where I thought about suicide, passed out on pool tables and under pool tables, JUST DIDN'T CARE! I was dead on the inside. Then while I managed a bar, I met my wife, found God who was still there even though I TURNED MY BACK ON HIM. I gave my life to him again. I started pursuing him and really trying to understand him and his calling on my life. Now, I named this post a lesson in THANKSGIVING. Here is why. All today I heard people pray and never Thank God for his Son. I have seen so many Facebook posts that say they are thankful for so many things and not one time mention Jesus and what he did. I am not trying to say that I am holier than thou. I am also not saying that this was everyone. But I do make it a point to thank God for his SON dying on the cross for me so that I could come out of the life I was so consumed by. The partying, the lies, the drugs, the lost life I was living. I have seen the breakdown in life and the bottom of the barrel and have found my way out - but ONLY THROUGH HIM. Let me break something down for you. God GAVE his ONLY son to die on a CROSS for you so you could be free from sin. Jesus was not only crucified on the cross but in Isaiah 53:5, it says - "He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed." One of his disciples turned their back on him and denied knowing him even though he said that he would never do that. Jesus said he would deny knowing him three times and to this he said that he would never do that. Wow how that must have hurt even though he already knew that it was going to happen. He was still one of his best friends. Jesus is why I am free today from these things and can look back on these things and say through Him I am SAVED. Psalms 107 - 1, says - "Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever." I have to say this is scripture for EVERYDAY life. We need to give thanks to him every day for all the blessings we have. When we sit down to eat our small meals during the day, it’s because of him that you have that food. It’s because of him that you have a car to drive. It’s because of him that you have beautiful children no matter what situation they or you are in. In the book of James it says "...every good and perfect gift comes from God." God doesn't make mistakes so you, your children, your family, your prizes are perfect in every way. Just how he made you. Just the way you are. No matter where you are at he wants you to call his name and give him praise. I just think of it as amazing grace that I was allowed to spend time with my Grandpa before he died. I loved that man but I also realized that had I truly known what LOVE is in God, then I would have realized that what it says in 1 Thessalonians 5:18 is true as well. "Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus." I could have been thankful for that small time but instead I was too angry at God to be thankful. So here is my point, yes be thankful for all the wonderful things that you have in life. Be thankful for you house and car and family and friends and job. Be thankful for all the minor things as well. But in all this, give Glory to Jesus because if it wasn't for his death on the cross and his love for you, you wouldn't be able to enjoy those things that you have in life. Be thankful for Jesus FIRST AND FOREMOST because he is thankful for you in all that you do. To finish the story of Chester and myself, I actually brought a smile to his face and ended up winning 3 games to 2. He was happy and so was I as I was reminded of what I am truly thankful for. God bless and remember to show your LOVE by your WORKS! Jesus loves you and so do I!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

This is why my blog is called Faith without works.

When I was a little kid, I gave my life to God in a small prayer. Everyone knows the one when you are sitting in church and the pastor up front says, "Ok, everyone lets bow our heads. Now with every head bowed and every eye closed - let me ask you a couple questions. By show of hands, is there anyone in here that has not accepted Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior?" If you raise your hand then you get ask the next question. - "If you raised your hand today will you pray a small prayer with me." And then you say the prayer because that’s why you raised your hand. And then church is over and that’s it. You walk out of church a changed person. You get back in your car and listen to the rap songs about killing and then go home and watch the Exorcism of Emily Rose? (First horror movie I could think of) Or you go back home and emotionally or physically or mentally abuse your wife or kids or family. Or you hop in your car go home and drink your sorrows away instead of relying on God. Or you smoke a joint thinking surely God made this plant so I should be able to smoke it even though it makes me feel like someone else, RIGHT? I apologize for being blunt but these are the things of life. These are the things that we want God to change. Well for me, I always thought there was more to this step than just saying the prayer. The all magical prayer that got YOUR name in the book of life. Boy was I right. So many churches will preach there congregation into heaven but not ask them to back it up. I always thought to myself, God is there not more that we need to do. Instead of bluntly putting it out there for the people to see, we just ask them to come and pray that simple prayer. No back up, no follow up, no questions asked. Just say the prayer and get into heaven. Now, first off, don't get me wrong because I do believe that you have to accept Jesus Christ as your savior and give him all the glory, all while admitting that you are a sinner and asking for only his forgiveness. This is pretty cool because when you ask for forgiveness, and no matter what you have done in life, He is going to love you for you and want to be there for you and most of all, give you the forgiveness you so desperately desire. But, while you sit and wait for this amazing spiritual experience to happen, he is still waiting for you to continue on your choice. That prayer that you prayed. That was the first step in many...just keep walking. I am a walking example of this. So many times as a kid I would give my life over to him, only to walk out of the church and go back to my life and the way I was living it. Doing drugs, cussing, being critical of those around me, and never taking the blame for my actions. I never made the LIFE CHANGE. By this I am talking about what James says in chapter 2 verse 26 - "The body without the spirit is dead. In the same way FAITH WITHOUT WORKS IS DEAD. This is personally a big deal for me. When a youth pastor friend sat down one time and asked me, (this was shortly after I really dedicated my life to Christ), If I believed in the magical prayer. The same one I talked about earlier in this post. The same one that you pray to go to heaven. The same one that when you pray it ALL your worries and things you have to do in life go away. I told him no. I said, to be more specific, that I don't believe it stops there. I believe there is more to that prayer. I believe there is more behind that action. Through talking to him I found this scripture and I wanted it to be the definition of my life. I didn't want others to look at me and see on the inside I was a Christian. I wanted people to look and see by my WORKS that my FAITH was alive. How can I be a true follower of Jesus if all I have is some dead faith to tote around? James could not be more specific. Faith without the works to back that faith, aka a relationship, ministry, love to those around you, is just dead. I don't know about you, but for me, I definitely don't want to tote a dead Jesus around with me but I want the one who is very much alive in my life to be seen by others. I love each and every person out there in this world because I believe that is what Jesus called us to do. In Matthew 22, Jesus was asked, "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” and to this he replied - “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ To me this means to go out and try to tell as many people as I can about Jesus, but I take the second literal as well. I think that this can be expressed through love. Notice the first says to LOVE the Lord you God with ALL your heart and the second says to LOVE your neighbor as yourself. I believe Love is the KEY word here. I think people will always take notice in how you are outwardly toward them. If you love them, something will change in them. Jesus expressed himself in love - this is why Paul says in Galatians that - " The only thing that counts is FAITH expressing itself through love." We can show off our faith by giving just a little love to those around you. Just feeding the homeless man down the street a meal for thanksgiving. Just helping the old lady who can barely walk to get to her car and unpack her groceries. Just telling the people as you leave a store - Have a BLESSED day...not just a good day! These are small examples but I know that YOU can think of many, many more. Let me finish in saying this, I invite you to say a prayer with me over your life. "Jesus, first and foremost I know you died on the cross for me. I know you were beaten and bruised and crushed and spit upon for me. I know you did this because You love me. You took my sin from my life as you hung on that cross as a sacrifice to save my life because you love me. I am a sinner and I ask for your forgiveness and that you would help me to become the man or woman that you have planned me to be. I give my life to you and know that I can further your kingdom with your help and ONLY your help. I want to be Your example of Love. Thank you for forgiving me. In Jesus name, Amen." Now I will say that if you said that prayer, you are forgiven. A CLEAN SLATE IS GIVEN TO YOU. Make the most of your life and tell everyone that you can about what you have just done. Don't just say that prayer, live the life, get lost in HIS LOVE. Please, contact me if you have made the decision to change your life. I believe this is where some churches falter. The follow up as we are supposed to lift up our brothers and sisters in Christ. Let me give you encouragement and know that MANY people will be praying for you. Remember, Jesus loves you and so do I. Be blessed.

You can contact me at or just post a comment and I will respond!