
Tuesday, January 7, 2014


So if you have taken the time to watch this video, I am proud of you. This video is such a great example of how each of us might see ourselves. This video allows us to evaluate who we have become, as well.

What do I mean by any of this?

How many times have you just felt like a failure, depressed, lonely, or just plain down and out? How many times have you looked in the mirror and said who am I? Who is this person that is looking back at me...

How many times have you looked to the sky asking God, Why?

Or, Maybe you look to the sky and pray God....why can't I just die....Why can't I stop here...

Or maybe you don't believe in God... Maybe you don't believe in Jesus... Maybe you don't understand why someone would die for you - why someone would WILLINGLY give His life for you? Maybe your questions are a little deeper...SCIENCE says your not real...but HISTORY AND OTHER PARTS OF SCIENCE point to your son as real and you as well... I am confused God... I need answers God. He will give them to you - He will show you and teach you and Love you - NO MATTER WHAT YOU HAVE DONE....

Ephesians 2:10 says We are God's Masterpiece.

That is such a profound scripture - and very simple...We ARE His Masterpiece....

Masterpiece is defined as - a work of outstanding artistry, skill, or workmanship.

But why would God ever describe us as His masterpiece? Why would God describe us as an outstanding work of art....

Because He made you from Love... Because He doesn't make Junk.

Matthew 6:26 says - "Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?"

Jesus is saying right here - Look to the sky - the birds do nothing for themselves and yet God takes care of them - and are you not worth more than them...are you not His creation as well... Do you not do work for furthering His kingdom - so wouldn't God place you above the animals and His Love pour out for you!

Psalm 139:17-18 says: "How amazing are your thoughts concerning me, O God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand. When I awake, I am still with you”

Let me explain this scripture. David is writing this and is explaining how much God thinks about each of us. How often God thinks about how much He loves EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US. What I think is amazing is the fact that God thinks about us as much as what would outnumber the grains of sand...HAVE YOU EVER BEEN IN A SANDBOX - OR TO THE BEACH - That is mind boggling...if you were to really think about it - one could honestly sum it up in two words - MIND BLOWN... 

Know this - You are NEVER unworthy of being accepted into the Kingdom of God, but you have to allow Him to be in control and give Him glory in all you do. You have to call on the name of Jesus and recognize that you have made mistakes - and that you are a sinner...but here is the cool part - HE WILL WIPE THE SLATE CLEAN!!! All your past mistakes will no longer be part of who you are...You will be FREE from the old you and start anew! You will be CHISELED back into the Original...Masterpiece....

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