
Monday, November 28, 2011

Judgement - Not only affects you


So as you sit in your chair and watch this video, I want you to think about what he is saying. We go through our life and we tend to look at the outward appearance of those around us. We don't tend to look at WHO we are talking to or who we are passing by. We just see a biker who has to be someone of the world who can't be loved or love the one who created him. Nope, no way! Instead of seeing a man who is UNCONDITIONALLY loved by the SAME Jesus that loves you, we see a man covered in tattoos and ragged clothes and biker jackets and pants and has a motorcycle. We don't see what Jesus sees. Let's move to someone else. Maybe this would make you more comfortable as he says. Someone who is standing by you in the suit and you are the biker. The man in the suit doesn't know Jesus but needs to know, but you the biker, are afraid to approach him cause what would you have to offer that man. How can you bring the Gospel of Jesus to this man. Only through Christ can the doors be open. While we sit back in our chairs and pass small judgement on those around us we miss the big picture that God is showing us. Maybe you are the parents that sit in the back of the church and wait for the GIRL to come in that you just KNOW is promiscuous and has no self esteem. But instead of actually taking the time to invest in this girl, you turn the cheek and walk away, totally damaging the view that this Girl had of the church, as being accepting, as soon as she walks in the door. Let's flip the script a little and maybe its a homeless man just looking for a bite to eat, but he just shouldn't be sitting on the doorsteps of your church. NO WAY NO HOW! Get him off the steps you say to the elders instead of inviting him in and showing him true love. There are many scripture that talk about how we shouldn't Judge one another. I found one today in the Book of James that really speaks what I would like you to think about. James 4:11 say " Do not speak evil against one another, brothers. The one who speaks evil against a brother or judges his brother, speaks evil against the law and judges the law..." In verse 12 James goes on to say "There is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and destroy. But WHO are YOU to judge YOUR neighbor." Wow! Pretty powerful words if you ask me. God doesn't ask us to be the judge of those around us. That's up to him. He is going to love those people that you judge no matter if you love them or not. But you can help Jesus in spreading that love by being the hands and feet and showing them by your works how much you do love them. Here is another scripture for you to think about. James also says in chapter 3 verse 2 - "For we all stumble in many ways. If anyone does not stumble in what he says, HE is a PERFECT man, able also to bridle his whole body." Let's ponder this thought for one minute. We all know that we are not perfect because there was only one perfect person to walk this earth and that was Christ himself. So who are we to pass judgement on someone that we don't even know. Or better yet someone we do know because "Hey, we should be allowed to because they are our friend, and if I don't judge them then who will." God, thats who. Give that part of your life to God and allow him to do great works in your life. God wants you to do more than to just LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR! He wants you to be there for your neighbor, be the strength for your neighbor. James also says to "Confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed..." You have to lift each other up, be each other's strength and heal each other. God wants us to do this and He says so in his word. If you feel like being a judgemental person is a strong part of your life, just say a simple prayer with me. "Father, I know that I can be critical and judging to those around me. I ask you to forgive me and to be the words that come out of my mouth and help me to curb my judgemental glances. Help me to love my neighbor no matter what they look like." Remember this prayer and the next time you see that Biker make sure to say hi, because he just might be someone standing beside you when you face God on Judgement Day. Be blessed! Jesus loves you and so do I!

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